By 2 February, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

Казус самопоручительства и проблема необоснованного “умножения сущностей” должника

PDF - for LibraryМикшис Д.В. Казус самопоручительства и проблема необоснованного умножения сущностей должника. 2017.

Публикация подготовлена на основе более ранней статьи, впервые опубликованной в издании:
Академический вестник ТГАМЭУП № 4(30) – серия «Право» [Текст]: научно-аналитический журнал. Тюмень: «Тюменская государственная академия мировой экономики, управления и права» («ТГАМЭУП»), 2014. С. 112 – 123.

Переработана и дополнена. В данной редакции публикуется впервые.

Denis Mikshis. The case of self-suretyship and the problem of multiplication of debitor’s entities beyond necessity. 2017. In Russian language.

Summary: The intensively extending market of banking services and the desire to guarantee fast and effective debt recovery determines the implementation of variousexperimental security instruments including those which are beyond the legal and conceptual framework of Civil Law. The article deals with an example of such “poorly engineered” legal construction – the guaranty given by a person for himself, to which author gives the name “self-suretyship”. Using the historic, critical and analytical methods the author articulates ancient and medieval legal concepts of self-suretyship and states that it has nothing in common with the modern contracts of guaranty given by a person for himself. He concludes the article with the reasoned arguments for the nullity of such guaranty de lege lata.


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