4th Forum on International Dispute Resolution – 25-26 February, 2015
Russian and CIS businesses continue to use foreign law, predominantly English, to govern their contracts and for subsequent litigation and arbitration of commercial dispute abroad— whether it’s conditioned by the requirements of their foreign business partners or a strategic part of the businesses’ corporate structure.
Mandatory norms, the complexity of laws in different jurisdictions and issues with rewards’ enforcement require a deep understanding of the risks involved and the opportunities available for companies protecting their interests. There are new options to consider for international trade related disputes with Russia’s WTO accession and the EurAsEc Court facilities becoming available last spring.
Companies seeking legal safeguards for their international business activities, along with their external legal advisers, have to understand the options available for dispute resolution and the best case strategies, which not only ensure successful outcomes, but are also efficient in terms of time and cost.
C5’s forum on International Disputes Resolution involving Russian and CIS companies will again gather over 100 leading experts to address practical issues faced by in-house counsel and external legal advisers involved in cross-border dispute resolution.
CIS Arbitration forum is the event’s information sponsor.
Join your peers at this internationally renowned conference and gain access to leading practitioners presenting recent case studies of dispute resolution and discussing the specific issues associated with cases involving Russian and CIS parties.
10 % discount to all the subscribers. Quote 634MP
For more information please contact
Karina Kusova
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7878 6930
Email: k.kusova@c5-online.com