Domestic Proceedings

Exclusive Jurisdiction of Russian Courts: The Impact of Sanctions and the Lugovoy Law
By 10 September, 2024 0 Comments Read More →

Exclusive Jurisdiction of Russian Courts: The Impact of Sanctions and the Lugovoy Law

Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the Russian Federation has been increasingly targeted by economic and other sanctions. After the start of the full-scale war against Ukraine in 2022, Russia became the most sanctioned country in the world. Sanctions target politicians, businessmen, various organizations (both commercial and non-commercial), and entire sectors of the Russian […]

Компетенция без вопросов: как узбекский суд не учел арбитражную оговорку

Компетенция без вопросов: как узбекский суд не учел арбитражную оговорку

Summary: An Uzbek court of first instance heard several disputes arising out of unrelated contracts, and each contract had its own dispute resolution clause, including CIETAC arbitration. Neither of those clauses nor Uzbek procedural rules established a jurisdiction of that court of the first instance. Moreover, during the hearing of the case, one party duly […]

Установление содержания иностранного права в судах различных стран: роль эксперта

Установление содержания иностранного права в судах различных стран: роль эксперта

See English text below В рамках Второй межвузовской конференции «Новые вызовы и возможности частного права» 2 апреля в смешанном формате состоялась секция «Установление содержания иностранного права в судах различных стран: роль эксперта». Ее инициатором и модератором выступил доцент кафедры Международного частного и гражданского права МГИМО к.ю.н. Дмитрий Леонидович Давыденко. В работе секции принял участие доцент […]

Russian court of appeals interprets a pathological arbitration clause
By 1 December, 2021 0 Comments Read More →

Russian court of appeals interprets a pathological arbitration clause

In a case filed by Spetstehnika LLC (Russia) against Cadman Power Equipment Asset Corp. (Canada), the 20th Circuit Court of Appeals in Russia considered the enforceability of a potentially pathological arbitration clause that referred to a non-existent arbitral institution in Canada.  The court of appeals, on 9 November 2021, refused to meddle with the parties’ […]

Russian law experts in English courts – practical aspects

Russian law experts in English courts – practical aspects

Those unfamiliar with civil law procedure rules followed by English courts may find it difficult to understand how to argue issues related to foreign law. Should lawyers representing the parties explain their own understanding of foreign law? Are they supposed to invite experts to do that? Do experts need to be admitted to practice in […]

UK court enforced Tatneft’s award despite illegality defense
By 26 January, 2021 0 Comments Read More →

UK court enforced Tatneft’s award despite illegality defense

Ukraine has failed to overturn the enforcement of the investment treaty award won by Tatneft despite a finding by the Commercial Court in London (the „Court”) that a significant portion of the damages awarded related to an illegal purchase of shares. The Court found that under Ukrainian corporate law Tatneft illegally obtained the investments, and […]

Modern arbitration : LIVE News Journal
By 19 October, 2020 0 Comments Read More →

Modern arbitration : LIVE News Journal

Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration presents a new project – Modern Arbitration: LIVE News pharmacy no prescription drugstore The first issue of Modern Arbitration: LIVE News Journal offers a comprehensive analysis of Russian and foreign news in the field of alternative dispute resolution for the first half of pharmacy no prescription […]

Applicability of the Estoppel Principle by Ukrainian Courts

Applicability of the Estoppel Principle by Ukrainian Courts

In 2020 Ukrainian civil and commercial courts, especially the Supreme Court considerably increased invoking and applying the principle of estoppel to protect legitimate expectations and prevent procedural abuse. This is remarkable because Ukrainian law does not expressly regulate this principle. Estoppel is a legal concept that prevents someone from arguing something or asserting a right […]

Kazakhstan Defeats Enforcement of Investment Arbitration Award Against National Bank Assets

Kazakhstan Defeats Enforcement of Investment Arbitration Award Against National Bank Assets

The Svea Court of Appeal, on June 17th 2020, handed down its decision in the Republic of Kazakhstan v Stati et al annulling orders of attachment against assets of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The court ruling is the latest development in the protracted process of enforcement of an SCC investor-state award granted against Kazakhstan […]

English Court Rejects Contempt Application Calling It Personal Vengeance

English Court Rejects Contempt Application Calling It Personal Vengeance

In Navigator Equities Ltd & Anor v Deripaska [2020] EWHC 1798 (Comm), the High Court of England and Wales, on 17th July 2020, held that the claimant’s contempt application was an abuse of process as being primarily motivated by personal animosity against the counterparty.  In this large-value dispute emerging from Russia, the judge emphasized that […]

Russian Court Thwarts Asset Shifting Manoeuvre in Support of the LCIA Arbitration

Russian Court Thwarts Asset Shifting Manoeuvre in Support of the LCIA Arbitration

On 4 June 2020, the Commercial Court for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region granted provisional relief in order to prevent dissipation of assets and thus to avoid the frustration of enforcement of an LCIA award in Russia. The court articulated ”reasonable suspicion“ standard for preliminary relief and provided further guidance and […]

Russian Response to Western Sanctions: Exclusive Jurisdiction of State Commercial Courts

Russian Response to Western Sanctions: Exclusive Jurisdiction of State Commercial Courts

On 8 June 2020, the Russian legislator has implemented changes to the Russian Commercial Procedure Code. The amendment grants Russian commercial courts exclusive jurisdiction over certain types of disputes whose subject matter relates to foreign sanctions or disputes involving sanctioned individuals and legal entities. At the request by sanctioned parties, Russian commercial courts now have […]

Enka v Chubb Russia: Role of the Seat of Arbitration

Enka v Chubb Russia: Role of the Seat of Arbitration

The English Court of Appeal has recently confirmed in Enka v Chubb that English courts are competent to grant anti-suit injunctions in support of arbitrations seated in England and has provided further clarifications on how to properly determine the governing law of the arbitration agreement. A massive fire broke out in 2016 during the reconstruction […]

Investment claim against Ukraine follows an antimonopoly fine imposed on Gazprom
By 13 December, 2018 0 Comments Read More →

Investment claim against Ukraine follows an antimonopoly fine imposed on Gazprom

On 25 October 2018, Gazprom filed an EUR 6.4 billion investment treaty claim against Ukraine in accordance with UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, under the Russia – Ukraine Bilateral Investment Treaty of 1998 (BIT). The claim concerns a fine imposed by a state authority. Although analysing the merits of the claim at this stage is premature, the […]

Astana International Financial Centre’s (AIFC) Court: what is its position within the judicial system of Kazakhstan?

Astana International Financial Centre’s (AIFC) Court: what is its position within the judicial system of Kazakhstan?

On 5 July 2018, the President of Kazakhstan, in a festival atmosphere surrounded by representatives of the business community, opened the Astana International Financial Centre’s (AIFC) Court. From the legal standpoint, one of the most essential goals of the new institution is to offer protection of foreign investors. However, the establishment of the Court and its legal status raised a […]

Exxon Consortium – Rosneft dispute on the migration of oil in the Sakhalin-1 Project
By 20 September, 2018 0 Comments Read More →

Exxon Consortium – Rosneft dispute on the migration of oil in the Sakhalin-1 Project

One of the major recent disputes in the Russian oil & gas industry arose between a subsidiary of the U.S. oil company Exxon Mobil – Exxon Neftegas and the Russian state-controlled oil company Rosneft over the Sakhalin-1 project (the “Project”). The dispute between these oil giants led to two parallel proceedings. In the first case, […]

Application of the UNIDROIT Principles in the Practice of Russian State Courts

Application of the UNIDROIT Principles in the Practice of Russian State Courts

Through years the Principles of International Commercial Contracts developed under auspices of UNIDROIT (“the UNIDROIT Principles”) have gained a wide recognition in many countries worldwide. This is true also with regard to Russia. Not only arbitral tribunals in Russian-seated arbitrations, but also its state courts invoke the UNIDROIT Principles, even where the parties did not […]

SCM Financial Overseas v. Raga Establishment: the Arbitration Fairness Test
By 26 June, 2018 0 Comments Read More →

SCM Financial Overseas v. Raga Establishment: the Arbitration Fairness Test

On 3 May 2018, the English High Court of Justice heard a challenge to the arbitral award rendered by an LCIA tribunal on 26 June 2017. The challenge was based on a serious irregularity in the principle of fair conduct of arbitral proceedings embodied in sections 68 and 33 of the English Arbitration Act 1996. More specifically, […]

London High Court fails to recognize Russian insolvency proceedings
By 23 February, 2018 0 Comments Read More →

London High Court fails to recognize Russian insolvency proceedings

In December 2017, the London High Court set aside the recognition of the Russian insolvency proceedings in the United Kingdom in a case concerning Hermitage Capital Management dispute. The London High Court established that the Russian liquidator of Dalnyaya Step LLC (“Dalnyaya Step”) should have disclosed that the company had been previously prosecuted in the Russian Federation. […]

Russian courts tend to find independent guarantees as quite dependent
By 14 February, 2018 0 Comments Read More →

Russian courts tend to find independent guarantees as quite dependent

In recent Russian dispute resolution practice, judges incline to consider independent guarantees as not completely independent from the underlying secured obligations. This post offers recommendations for both guarantors and beneficiaries to avoid risks that the judiciary practice twists may entail. The use of independent guarantees The independent guarantee is a surety allowing claiming money from the guarantor […]

Arbitration Reform in Ukraine: New Possibilities for Arbitration Users

Arbitration Reform in Ukraine: New Possibilities for Arbitration Users

After many years of discussions and active work of various working groups and Ukrainian Parliament, in the end of 2017 Ukraine has finally reformed its arbitration-related procedural legislation. Now the arbitration users may seek Ukrainian courts’ assistance in obtaining interim measures, preserving and collecting evidence necessary for arbitral proceedings, which remained practically impossible prior to […]

Third party funding and its relevance to Russian parties
By 16 October, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

Third party funding and its relevance to Russian parties

См. текст по-русски ниже. Third party funding (also known as commercial funding or litigation funding) involves a third party which has no connection to a dispute putting up funds to run a dispute in exchange for a share of the damages. It is typically non-recourse which means that, unless the recipient is successful in its […]

Форум по разрешению споров в странах Восточной Европы превратится в целый «Арбитражный weekend»
By 2 August, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

Форум по разрешению споров в странах Восточной Европы превратится в целый «Арбитражный weekend»

Накануне Форума EEDRF-2017 в Минске состоятся два бесплатных мероприятия-сателлита, которые в первую очередь ориентированы на тех специалистов, которые интересуются вопросами арбитража. 21 сентября 2017 г. организационный партнер Форума по разрешению споров в странах Восточной Европы (EEDRF) адвокатское бюро «Сысуев, Бондарь, Храпуцкий СБХ» приглашает принять участие в двух бесплатных мероприятиях-сателлитах, которые состоятся в Minsk Marriot Hotel […]

Baltic Arbitration Days-2017: issues discussed
By 9 June, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

Baltic Arbitration Days-2017: issues discussed

Riga hosted the 6th DIS Baltic Arbitration Days which discussed arbitration of disputes involving states or state-owned entities, corporate disputes and reflected on the lessons taught by annulment or  unenforceability of major arbitral awards in recent past. The conference was organised by BNT attorneys-at-law – one of leading international law firms in Central and Eastern […]

State immunity and state-owned enterprises: a recent dispute involving Moldova

State immunity and state-owned enterprises: a recent dispute involving Moldova

In a recent judgment (27 January 2017), the Court of the Southern District of New York ordered state enterprise Moldovagaz S.A and the Republic of Moldova to pay USD 27 million to Gater Assets Limited. The judgment raises certain issues regarding the state’s liability for state-owned enterprises’ commercial activities. Given that the Government of Moldova has never been party […]

Applicability of Dispute Settlement Procedures to the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Russia

Applicability of Dispute Settlement Procedures to the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Russia

Throughout the past year, courts in Russia have struggled with the applicability of dispute settlement procedures to the enforcement of arbitral awards. As a result, uncertainty regarding the matter has sometimes produced an inconsistent judicial approach. In a decision on 20 March 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (the Court) provided clarity to […]

Symposium on e-justice and information technologies in civil procedure to take place in Kazan
By 24 April, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

Symposium on e-justice and information technologies in civil procedure to take place in Kazan

См. текст на русском языке ниже. The IV annual Symposium of the journal “The Herald of Civil Procedure“: “2017 – E-justice and information technologies in civil procedure” will take place oat the Law Faculty of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, September 29, 2017. CIS Arbitration Forum is an information partner of this event. The symposium […]

Российские суды подтвердили, что корпоративные споры были арбитрабельны и до принятия нового законодательства об арбитраже

Российские суды подтвердили, что корпоративные споры были арбитрабельны и до принятия нового законодательства об арбитраже

В настоящее время широко обсуждается реформа российского законодательства об арбитраже (третейском разбирательстве), в том числе, в контексте вопроса об арбитрабельности корпоративных споров. Теперь в ст. 225.1 Арбитражного процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации («АПК РФ») прямо закреплено, что такие споры могут быть переданы на рассмотрение третейского суда. Однако, как подтвердила новейшая судебная практика, такая возможность существовала и ранее. […]

Russian Constitutional court denies enforcement of ECHR decision on Yukos

Russian Constitutional court denies enforcement of ECHR decision on Yukos

On 19 January 2017 Russian Constitutional Court came to the conclusion that the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (the ECHR) on compensation payment of more than €1.866 bln on Yukos case violates the Russian Constitution and cannot be enforced. This is the first case in which the Court has followed its 14 […]

CIS Regional Conventions on Cross-Border Litigation and Its Application by Russian Courts
By 9 December, 2016 0 Comments Read More →

CIS Regional Conventions on Cross-Border Litigation and Its Application by Russian Courts

Recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments in Russia generally require the existence of a treaty between the issuing state and the recognising state; otherwise, the principle of reciprocity applies. On the CIS level this procedure is relatively facilitated by a number of conventions. This post looks at the main features of these CIS regional […]

No education – no representation. Russian Constitutional Court decides on legal education requirement for administrative proceedings

No education – no representation. Russian Constitutional Court decides on legal education requirement for administrative proceedings

Until quite recently Russian procedural law has had no particular requirements as to parties’ representatives in non-criminal legal proceedings. This situation started to change in 2015 when the Russian Parliament approved the new Code of Administrative Procedure (the “Code“). These changes, which quickly turned out to be controversial, became part of the larger dispute on the so-called […]

В Москве пройдет форум «Арбитраж в России 2016: что будет дальше?»

В Москве пройдет форум «Арбитраж в России 2016: что будет дальше?»

Издательский дом “Коммерсантъ” проводит 11 ноября 2016 года в Москве ежегодный форум “Арбитраж в России 2016: что будет дальше?”. CIS Arbitration Forum выступает информационным партнером мероприятия. Реформа судов России, начатая в 2014 году с объединения ВС РФ и ВАС РФ,  безусловно, взволновала бизнес-сообщество, все мы внимательно следили за переменами, ждали, обсуждали, как новые правила по арбитражным […]

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Eastern Europe: Debugging the Mechanisms
By 28 September, 2016 0 Comments Read More →

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Eastern Europe: Debugging the Mechanisms

One may compare arbitration with a car: it may be luxurious or modest, but to run it you always need four properly functioning wheels: arbitral institutions, parties, arbitrators and state courts. Tetiana Slipachuk, managing partner of Sayenko Kharenko law firm, reminded us of this while moderating the first arbitration section of the first Eastern European […]

Kiev Arbitration Days 2016: Think Big! (KAD-2016)

Kiev Arbitration Days 2016: Think Big! (KAD-2016)

  Kiev Arbitration Days 2016: Think Big! Ukrainian Bar Association is happy to announce the next Kiev Arbitration Days 2016: Think Big! (KAD-2016) which will take place on 3 November 2016 in Radisson Blu Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. The conference is conducted under the auspices of the Ukrainian Bar Association. KAD-2016 will bring together world-class dispute resolution […]

Russian court rules on foreign currency use in real estate transactions

Russian court rules on foreign currency use in real estate transactions

On 18 July 2016 the Commercial Court of Moscow region refused to confirm the settlement agreement between PAO Vimpel-Communications and PAO Tizpribor in the year-long dispute between the two companies. The outcome of this case may have significant consequences both for Russian real estate, says The Property Sourcing Company, in particular for the use of […]

RAA Conference on Collecting Bad Debts to Take Place in Moscow

RAA Conference on Collecting Bad Debts to Take Place in Moscow

(English text see below) 29 июня 2016 года Арбитражная Ассоциация проводит конференцию РАА «Взыскание долгов в международных спорах».   Место проведения: Москва, Марриотт Новый Арбат, зал Пушкин. Время – 10.00 (регистрация в 9.30) – 18.00. На мероприятии будут обсуждаться следующие темы: Глобальный поиск активов Финансирование арбитража третьей стороной Эксперты в международном арбитраже Обеспечительные меры Подтвержденные спикеры: Медведков […]

Enforcement of Settlement Agreements Reached in Arbitration and Mediation

Enforcement of Settlement Agreements Reached in Arbitration and Mediation

In September 2015 the UNCITRAL Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) continued its work on formulating a legal framework on the enforcement of settlement agreements, including a convention, model provisions or guidance texts. Currently, parties can request arbitral tribunals to record their settlement agreements as consent awards, ie an arbitral award on terms agreed upon by the […]

Consent to Treaty Arbitration Should be Specific, not General

Consent to Treaty Arbitration Should be Specific, not General

Recently investors vigorously but unsuccessfully tried to revive an arbitral award against the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian courts. On 20 July 2015 the Arbitrazh Court of the Moscow Circuit rejected the cassation claim of companies Stans Energy Corp. and Kutisay Mining and upheld the ruling of the Arbitrazh Court of the first instance. The court upheld […]

Yukos Award – Beginning of a New Enforcement Saga

Yukos Award – Beginning of a New Enforcement Saga

While the recent agreement between Yukos shareholders and Rosneft settles all litigation disputes between them, it does not solve the existing disputes between Yukos and Russia as a state, in particular the $50 billion arbitration award made by the PCA in The Hague in 2014. As Russia refuses to voluntarily comply with the award, Yukos […]

Приведение в исполнение арбитражных решений на согласованных условиях

Приведение в исполнение арбитражных решений на согласованных условиях

Давыденко Д.Л. Международная принудительная исполнимость арбитражных решений на согласованных условиях (International Enforceability of Consent Awards) В статье рассматриваются некоторые особенности применения положений ст. V Конвенции ООН о признании и приведении в исполнение иностранных арбитражных решений 1958 г. («Нью-йоркская конвенция») к арбитражным решениям, вынесенным на согласованных условиях.online pharmacy no prescription drugstore Проводится анализ того, насколько применимы к […]