Minsk to Host IV ICC Lex Mercatoria Moot in November 2015
On 28-30 November 2015, the IV International Arbitration Moot Court ICC Lex Mercatoria will take place in Minsk (Belarus).
The International Arbitration Moot Court ICC Lex Mercatoria aims to promote international commercial arbitration as an alternative means of resolution of commercial disputes.
The International Arbitration Moot Court will focus on resolution of a mock case by the students from different universities that was prepared by the ICC International Arbitration Court on the basis of the ICC Arbitration Rules, other ICC documents and practice of the ICC International Arbitration Court.
Last year 16 student teams from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia, their coaches and contest referees took part in this event. The contest featured such issues as bank guarantees, international trade arbitration and state purchases with the participation of foreign bidders.
In 2014 he winner’s cup went to the team of All-Russian Foreign Trade Academy. The Law Faculty of the Belarusian State University won the second prize. The teams of Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLU) and Perm State National Research University divided III prize. More information on previous ICC Lex Mercatoria events in Minsk may be found here.
In addition, on 27 November 2015, in advance of the ICC Lex Mercatoria, Minsk will also traditionally host the International Legal Forum. Leading experts in the sphere of international arbitration – including partners of major law firms, international arbitrators and academics – will take part as speakers in the Forum. The Forum has become a platform for the international expert discussion on acute legal issues in international trade law and will be useful to the participants of the International Arbitration Moot Court.
The main subject of the Forum will concern the international sanctions and their impact on non-performance of contractual obligations. The program of the event also includes discussion related to impartiality and independence of the arbitrators as well as challenges of arbitrators.
The participants of ICC Lex Mercatoria 2015 will gain invaluable experience, and the best speaker will be awarded with a summer internship at Baker & McKenzie law firm.
The organizers are looking forward to receive the applications for participation in the Forum and International Arbitration Moot Court.
Contact details for applications from teams and additional information regarding the events:
Telephone numbers: + 375-17-202-83-68,
+ 375-29-681-39-66 (Kseniya Nefaguina);
E-mail: ptp@urspectr.info (marked as ICC Lex Mercatoria).
Organizers of ICC Lex Mercatoria include the Faculty of Law of Belarusian State University, ICC International Arbitration Court (Paris), International Arbitration Court at Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russian National Committee of ICC (ICC Russia), Public Association “Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers” and “YurSpektr” LLC. CIS Arbitration Forum is an information partner of the event. Additional information about the International Arbitration Moot Court ICC Lex Mercatoria 2015 is available on its official website.