Hot Topics in Investment Arbitration Disputes Involving CIS States
The last few years have seen several significant developments in the area of investment arbitration disputes involving the CIS states and pertaining to noteworthy and sometimes intriguing jurisdictional and substantive law issues.
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Jones Day, together with the Russia and CIS Arbitration Network and the CIS Arbitration Forum, is pleased to invite you to our programme, “Hot Topics in Investment Arbitration Disputes Involving CIS States”.
The event will be held on 16 November in the format of a roundtable debate led by a distinguished panel of speakers, who will address some of the most challenging issues affecting the law and practice of international arbitration, including:
- Provisional application of the Energy Charter Treaty: How long is a piece of string?
- The powers of international tribunals: Can the tribunals review criminal investigations and judgements of domestic courts?
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- Where is the borderline between a tribunal’s power and a state’s sovereignty?
Kaj Hobér, Professor of International Investment and Trade Law, Uppsala University; Associate Member, 3 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London; Chairman, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Yarik Kryvoi, Senior Research Fellow in International Economic Law and Director, Investment Treaty Forum, British Institute of International and Comparative Law; Professor of Law, University of West London
Tatiana Minaeva, Of Counsel, Global Disputes Team, Jones Day
The discussion will be moderated by Baiju Vasani, Partner, Global Disputes Team, Jones Day.
The seminar will be presented by international arbitration practitioners who have full or partial exposure to investor-state arbitrations in the former USSR.
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We hope you can join us for what promises to be an evening of interesting discussions and networking.
Download the event flyer. Please register your interest here.
Thursday, 16 November 2017
5.30 – 6.00 pm – Registration
6.00 – 7.30 pm – Panel discussion
7.30 pm – Reception
Jones Day, 21 Tudor Street, London EC4Y 0DJ