Discuss Dispute Resolution in CIS-Related Business Transactions on 28 February 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany
The German-Russian Lawyers’ Association (DRJV) and DIS40, the below 40 initiative of the German Arbitration Institute, are organising a conference on “Dispute Resolution in CIS-Related Business Transactions”
(Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine) on 28 February 2019 (Thursday) in Frankfurt, Germany.
This full-day event is hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK Frankfurt), Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt/Main.
The conference language is English (no translation).
The event will comprise the following panels:
– CIS-related disputes from the Western European perspective
– Country reports: Recent Developments (case law and reforms)
– Country reports: Interaction with state courts, interim measures, recognition and enforcement of court decisions and arbitral awards
– CIS-related disputes: The arbitration institutions’ perspective
– Investment arbitration in the CIS region: what is going on and what is yet to come?
The confirmed speakers and moderators include:
- Prof. Dr. Azar Aliyev, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Alexey Anischenko, Partner at Sorainen, Minsk
- Dr. Gani Bitenov, Consultant at Herbert Smith Freehills, Frankfurt
- Dr. Axel Boës, Partner at Koch Duken Boës, Hamburg
- Rupert D’Cruz, Barrister, Littleton Chambers, Secretary of the British-Russian Law Association (BRLA), London
- Dmitry Davydenko, Director at CIS Arbitration Forum, Chief Expert at the Centre of Arbitration and Mediation at CCI RF, Moscow
- Artem Doudko, Partner at Osborne Clarke, London
- Dr. Alice Fremuth-Wolf, Secretary General, Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC)
- Dr. Wolfram Gärtner, Legal Director, HeidelbergCement AG
- Nata Ghibradze, Foreign Associate, Hogan Lovells, Munich
- Evgeniya Goriatcheva, Senior Legal Counsel, Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), The Hague
- Michael Hartleben, Senior Legal Counsel, DSI Underground, Munich/Berlin
- Dr. Susanne Heger, Partner at Heger [&] Partner, Vienna
- Oksana Karel, Senior Associate at Arzinger, Kyiv
- Alexandre Khrapoutski, Partner at SBH law offices, Minsk
- Dr. Volker Knoop, CEO, FORIS AG, Bonn
- Prof. Alexey A. Kostin, International Commercial Arbitration Court at CCI RF (MKAS/ICAC), MGIMO University, Moscow
- Laurence Ponty, Associate at LALIVE, Geneva
- Georg Scherpf, Senior Associate at Luther, Hamburg
- Valikhan Shaikenov, Partner at Aequitas, Almaty
- Olga Tsvetkova, Senior Associate at Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev [&] Partners, RAA40 Co-Chair, Moscow
- Serhii Uvarov, Counsel at Integrites, Kyiv
See the Program of the event.
You can find further details here.