By 28 January, 2022 0 Comments Read More →

Reviewing Arbitration: Contradiction in Terms or Necessary Virtue? Keynote Lecture by Professor August Reinisch

Basel Winter Arbitration School is inviting its faculty, participants and the public to attend the keynote lecture ‘Reviewing Arbitration: Contradiction in Terms or Necessary Virtue?’ of Professor August Reinisch.

One of the main advantages of arbitration is its relative speed, resulting among others from the fact that it is a single instance form of dispute settlement without appeal and very limited other recourse before national courts or other institutions. Still, review of arbitral awards is not unheard of. It occurs when national courts or ad hoc committees under the ICSID system review the composition of arbitral tribunals and the procedural fairness of their proceedings, but it is normally not available for assessing the content of outcomes.

The keynote lecture will discuss whether and to what extent not only a residual review concerning the procedural aspects of arbitration but also review concerning the substantive results of arbitration is called for.

The keynote lecture will be delivered in Basel on Friday, 11 February 2022 at 4:00 PM, Central European Time (CET). The event is free to attend in the online format but advance registration is necessary. Please follow this link to register.

Professor Dr. iur. August Reinisch, LL.M. (NYU) has been a professor of international and European law at the University of Vienna since 1998. He currently serves as Head of the Section of International Law and International Relations and as Director of the LL.
M. Program in International Legal Studies. He is a member of the United Nations International Law Commission, membre of the Institut de droit international, member of the Permanent Court Arbitration and President of the Austrian Branch of the International Law Association.

Professor Reinisch has published widely in international law with a focus on international investment law, the law of international organizations, international responsibility, human rights and non-state actors.
He has served as an arbitrator in cases involving international organizations and in investment cases mostly under ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules.

August Reinisch holds Master’s degrees in philosophy (1990) and in law (1988) as well as a doctorate in law (1991) from the University of Vienna and an LL.M. (1989) from NYU Law School. In 1994, he obtained the Diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law.

CIS Arbitration Forum is an information partner of the Basel Winter Arbitration School. 

Posted in: Events

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