Limits of application of the principle of jura novit arbiter
Davydenko D.L., Muksunova R.N. Limits of application of the principle of jura novit arbiter in international arbitration: some issues of theory and practice (in Russian, free access)
The paper analyzes the application of the principle of jura novit arbiter in international arbitration: what an arbitrator may afford when establishing the content of the applicable rules of law to resolve a dispute.
The text contains a classification of the main limitations of operation of this principle.
The article provides practical examples of the interaction of the principle of jura novit arbiter with certain types of institutions aimed at narrowing the scope of its application.
For citation:
Davydenko D.L., Muksunova R.N. Limits of Application of the jura novit arbiter Principle in International Arbitration: Some Issues of Theory and Practice. Moscow Journal of International Law. 2023;(2):51-62. (In Russ.)
Давыденко Д.Л., Муксунова Р.Н. Границы применения принципа jura novit arbiter в международном арбитраже: некоторые вопросы теории и практики. Московский журнал международного права. 2023;(2):51-62.