Tag: Russian law

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Eastern Europe: Debugging the Mechanisms
By 28 September, 2016 0 Comments Read More →

Commercial Dispute Resolution in Eastern Europe: Debugging the Mechanisms

One may compare arbitration with a car: it may be luxurious or modest, but to run it you always need four properly functioning wheels: arbitral institutions, parties, arbitrators and state courts. Tetiana Slipachuk, managing partner of Sayenko Kharenko law firm, reminded us of this while moderating the first arbitration section of the first Eastern European […]

Russian Law Week 2016: Establishing Bridges in Challenging Times

Russian Law Week 2016: Establishing Bridges in Challenging Times

Following the success of Russian Law Week 2014 in London and English Law Week 2015 in Moscow, the Law Society and the Bar Council of England and Wales, in partnership with the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Chamber of Advocates, the St Petersburg Chamber of Advocates, the British Russian Law […]

Posted in: Events
Notice of Arbitration to the Parent Company: Proper or Not?
By 3 September, 2014 0 Comments Read More →

Notice of Arbitration to the Parent Company: Proper or Not?

In a recent decision the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation found that a notice of arbitration proceedings to the parent company’s general counsel was proper in the context of the facts of the case. The decision has also raised discussions about other related issues: first, in which cases could such notice be improper and […]

Bank of Moscow and Sberbank Leasing v. Vladimir Kekhman

Bank of Moscow and Sberbank Leasing v. Vladimir Kekhman

UK High Court in Buncruptcy Bank of Moscow and Sberbank Leasing v Vladimir Kekhman and others Judgment April 2014

Posted in: Library
Russian Arbitration Day 2014: Arbitration in Russia Undergoing Turbulence

Russian Arbitration Day 2014: Arbitration in Russia Undergoing Turbulence

The international conference Russian Arbitration Day took place on 29 May in Moscow.  The event focused on key issues concerning the development of international commercial arbitration on Post-Soviet territory. It was the second such conference held by the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. A number […]

Russian Arbitration Day 2014

Russian Arbitration Day 2014

The Russian Arbitration Day conference will take place on 29 May 2014 in the Congress hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. CIS Arbitration Forum is an information partner if the event. The conference promotes the development of international arbitration on post-Soviet territory. Both the conference format and a strict reporters’ […]

Summary Proceedings in Civil Cases: a New Treatise Published in Russia

Summary Proceedings in Civil Cases: a New Treatise Published in Russia

In late autumn 2013 Infotropic Media publishing house released a treatise “Summary proceedings in civil cases” (in Russian language). The author of this book is Zoya Papulova, a young researcher and a practicing lawyer in Yekaterinburg (Southern Urals). The general editor of the book is meritorious jurist of Russia, doctor of law professor Irina Reshetnikova. The author analyses […]

Participants of the Russian Arbitration Day 2013 Look at Quality of International Arbitration

Participants of the Russian Arbitration Day 2013 Look at Quality of International Arbitration

On 20 June 2013, for the first time Moscow hosted the international conference Russian Arbitration Day, aimed at the development of international commercial arbitration in the post-Soviet region. The International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) and Maritime Arbitration Commission (MAC) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation organised the conference with support of law firms […]

Ведение дела в международном коммерческом арбитраже в России и Англии

Ведение дела в международном коммерческом арбитраже в России и Англии

1–2 июля в Москве пройдет интенсивный тренинг для практикующих юристов, цель которого – научить наиболее эффективно использовать возможности международного арбитража для разрешения коммерческих споров. Место проведения – зал «Чехов» гостиницы «Метрополь». Цель тренинга – на основании специально разработанного сценария научить наиболее эффективно использовать возможности международного арбитража для разрешения коммерческих споров. Организаторами тренинга выступают CIS Arbitration Forum, факультет права […]

What’s in the Name? Imprecise Designation of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Arbitration Clause

What’s in the Name? Imprecise Designation of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Arbitration Clause

When faced with an almost identical issue in the course of arbitration proceedings, Swiss and Russian arbitrators or courts seem to reach different conclusions. A common issue in arbitration is an imprecise designation of the arbitral tribunal in an arbitration clause.  This article considers the effect of such flawed arbitration clauses in the light of […]

Competition of Russian and Foreign Jurisdictions: a Case Study

Competition of Russian and Foreign Jurisdictions: a Case Study

Competition and cooperation between legal systems is the opening theme of the plenary session of the International Legal Forum in Saint Petersburg on 15-18 May 2013. In October 2012 the Presidium of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court (“SCC”) issued a resolution dealing with competition between foreign and Russian jurisdictions which is relevant to this session and of interest to international litigation practitioners. […]

Review of Russian Commercial Cases Involving Foreign Persons

Review of Russian Commercial Cases Involving Foreign Persons

Validity of choice-of-court agreements, possibility of piercing the corporate veil and falling under jurisdiction of Russian court have always been important concerns for international companies doing business in Russia or with Russian legal entities. The Russian Supreme Commercial (Arbitrazh) Court (“SCC”) will soon clarify these issues in an Informational letter with a Review of Certain […]

TransTeleCom Dispute: When is a Side a Not a Party?

TransTeleCom Dispute: When is a Side a Not a Party?

This article follows up on an earlier publication dealing with the Vega Engineering v TransTeleCom case. In that dispute, TransTeleCom raised various grounds to challenge the arbitral award, which were all considered by the Russian Arbitrazh Court.  One of the grounds – finality of the arbitral award – was discussed in the article mentioned above.online pharmacy […]

Wanted: Bona Fide Arbitrator

Wanted: Bona Fide Arbitrator

The Russian State Duma is considering draft amendments to the Russian Civil Code. Bad faith (недобросовестность) – already impermissible in the exercise of civil rights under article 10 CC RF – is expected to be wiped out right at the stage of “negotiations in view to conclude a contract” under new article 434 CC RF. Russia […]

Powers of Attorney Regarding Future Disputes in Russia

Powers of Attorney Regarding Future Disputes in Russia

The Presidium of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court has clarified its position on the authority to conclude arbitration agreements. The general counsel of a company branch concluded a contract with an arbitration agreement under a power of attorney authorising him to represent the company at court and in particular to settle disputes or to refer […]

Arbitral Tribunals Can Approve “Post-Award” Amicable Agreement

Arbitral Tribunals Can Approve “Post-Award” Amicable Agreement

A settlement agreement can be concluded even after the arbitral tribunal has rendered an award in the case, and such an agreement can be approved by the same arbitral tribunal as a consent award.  The Russian Supreme Commercial Court (the “SCC”) Presidium reached this conclusion on June 7, 2012. The circumstances of the case were as […]

Berezovsky v Abramovich: It’s All About Trustworthiness

Berezovsky v Abramovich: It’s All About Trustworthiness

On the last day of summer in 2012 the High Court of Justice in England closed the last chapter on the Berezovsky v Abramovich case. It dismissed both claims of the former Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky. Berezovsky had claimed a sum of in excess of 5.6 billion USD as compensation for unprofitable transactions. He alleged that at […]

Will Exercise of Jurisdiction by a Foreign Court Be Accepted in Russia?

Will Exercise of Jurisdiction by a Foreign Court Be Accepted in Russia?

The Presidium of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court is set to hear the first case in a while directly dealing with the enforcement of a foreign court judgment. The central issue is the following: can a Russian court assess the reasonableness of a foreign court’s decision to exercise jurisdiction in ruling on whether to recognise […]

Arbitration in Russia Needs Even More Quality and Integrity

Arbitration in Russia Needs Even More Quality and Integrity

As we reported back in May 2011 the Russian Constitutional Court has confirmed that disputes relating to the transfer of title to immovable property are arbitrable, as well as other disputes of an essentially private law nature. The decree rendered by the Constitutional Court resulted from a July 2010 request of the Presidium of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court […]

Recognition of Foreign Judgments in Russia: How to Reconcile Conflicting Judgments

Recognition of Foreign Judgments in Russia: How to Reconcile Conflicting Judgments

The CIS Arbitration Forum recently reported on a decision of the Moscow Circuit Commercial Court to enforce a judgment of the English High Court on the basis of reciprocity. We noted then that there was a growing trend of recognition of foreign court judgments on the basis of reciprocity (i.e. in the absence of a bilateral treaty). […]

Government Procurement Disputes Still Arbitrable in Russia

Government Procurement Disputes Still Arbitrable in Russia

The Russian courts have sent a state establishment and several state agencies to arbitration to have their claim for termination of a contract with a German contractor resolved pursuant to the agreed dispute resolution procedure (case reference No. А40-106514/2011). The claimants argued in both the Moscow Commercial Court and the Ninth Appellate Commercial Court that […]

Russian Supreme Commercial Court on the “Lack of Authority” To Conclude Arbitration Agreement

Russian Supreme Commercial Court on the “Lack of Authority” To Conclude Arbitration Agreement

A recent case handed down by the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation (the “SCC”) marks a further step by it towards the favouring of arbitration in Russia.  The SCC confirmed that notifying a branch of the opposing party in arbitral proceedings is sufficient for the purposes of satisfying the due notice requirement. Also, […]

Arbitration and Litigation: Same or Basic Guarantees?

Arbitration and Litigation: Same or Basic Guarantees?

An interesting case is due to be considered by the Russian Supreme Commercial Court within the next few months. Two issues before the court are: (1) whether an arbitral tribunal may fine a party to the arbitration for failure to comply with the tribunal’s order and (2) whether the procedural guarantees that are accorded to […]

In the Long Run: a Story of One Award in Russia
By 27 September, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

In the Long Run: a Story of One Award in Russia

Today, it seems, an epic story of enforcement of an SCC award in Russia came to an end. After almost three years of litigation in Russia and Sweden, the Presidium of Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation ruled that the award should be enforced. online pharmacy http://www.tvaxbiomedical.com/pdf/releases/new/wellbutrin.html no prescription During the same session Presidium […]

Amendments to the Russian Law “On International Commercial Arbitration” introduced in the Duma
By 20 September, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Amendments to the Russian Law “On International Commercial Arbitration” introduced in the Duma

Major amendments will be introduced to the Federal Law “On International Commercial Arbitration” in the immediate future. A bill proposed before the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament is intended to make Russian legislation on international commercial arbitration conform with the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, as amended by the U.N. Commission on International […]

Failure to Seek Annulment of the Award: Any Consequences for the Enforcement in Russia?

Failure to Seek Annulment of the Award: Any Consequences for the Enforcement in Russia?

Russian courts are frequently criticized for being arbitration-unfriendly. Practitioners however acknowledge that most awards are recognized and enforced. In fact, the Russian courts are increasingly adopting pro-arbitration stance, which in some instances goes further than that adopted by the jurisdiction traditionally considered arbitration-friendly. In three recent cases Russian courts took the view, that the respondent […]

Supreme Commercial Court Takes a Closer Look at Domestic Arbitration Institutions Established by Commercial Entities

Supreme Commercial Court Takes a Closer Look at Domestic Arbitration Institutions Established by Commercial Entities

Domestic arbitration institutions established by various commercial entities have become widespread in the Russian Federation. Their existence and perceived lack of impartiality have long been criticized by many. They were also presented as an example of why arbitration should not be used to resolve private disputes.  The situation is particularly problematic where the rules of […]

Russian Stock Exchange Disputes Found an Exception to Non-enforceability of Abitration by Contracts of Adhesion

Russian Stock Exchange Disputes Found an Exception to Non-enforceability of Abitration by Contracts of Adhesion

The case illustrates a pro-arbitration approach of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as “SCC”) in their interpretation of arbitration clauses. OJSC “Kuznetskbusinessbank” (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) applied to the Arbitrazh Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya Region for a writ of execution to enforce an award to recover […]

Express Power to Sign an Arbitration Clause is not Required

Express Power to Sign an Arbitration Clause is not Required

Power of attorney authorizing the representative to sign a commercial contract is sufficient for such representative to sign a contract containing an arbitration clause. In a recently published decision the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation confirmed that the provision of Article 62 of the Arbitrazh Procedure Code requiring that for […]

LCIA Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration in Moscow

LCIA Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration in Moscow

LCIA will be hosting a symposium on International Commercial Arbitration on 26 to 27 May 2011 in Moscow. International arbitration practitioners will give brief presentations on some of the most important problems, critical to establishing and maintaining an arbitration-friendly environment, in which the international business community may have confidence. The symposium participants include: Professor Boris […]

A Pro-Arbitration Stance of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court

A Pro-Arbitration Stance of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court

The Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation (“the SCC”) demonstrated over the last years a general trend of SCC to interpret law in a pro-arbitration light so that to avoid formalistic and unwisely restrictive approach to applying the law. Below is just one example of such pro-arbitral approach of SCC. This case also illustrates […]

Immovable Property Disputes – Non-Arbitrable in Russia?

Immovable Property Disputes – Non-Arbitrable in Russia?

The Presidium of the Russian Supreme Commercial (arbitrazh) Court filed a request in the Constitutional Court to evaluate the constitutionality of a several provisions of the Russian Law “On International Commercial Arbitration” and the Federal Law “On Arbitration Tribunals in the Russian Federation”. In particular, provisions of these laws related to arbitrability of disputes related […]

Russian Government Adopts Model Mediation Training Program

Russian Government Adopts Model Mediation Training Program

The new Russian Law on Mediation which entered into force in January 2011 imposes special requirements on those who want to become professional mediators. In order to become a professional mediator apart from having a university degree, it is necessary to pass a special mediation training according to a program approved as established by the […]

The New Russian Mediation Law in Action

The New Russian Mediation Law in Action

In January 2011 the very first settlement agreement reached by means of mediation in accordance with the new Federal Law on Mediation having which became effective on January 1, 2011. The preliminary court hearing in proceedings chaired by judge Sorokina of the Arbitrazh Court of the Omsk region was broadcast via videoconferencing system from the Russian Supreme […]

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Russian Arbitration Users in Europe: Growth and Misunderstandings
By 20 January, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Russian Arbitration Users in Europe: Growth and Misunderstandings

Until very recently, the word “arbitration” was unfamiliar to many lawyers in Russia. The word still carries two meanings there: one referring to the system of Russian state commercial courts and the other, the more generally-recognized contract-based private dispute resolution procedure. Although many in Russia understand the western concept of “international arbitration” in general terms, a number […]